Mac McGovern


Mac McGovern

Mac McGovern

Poetry, Advice & How To, Biographies & Memoirs

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2017

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    15 July

  • Profession

    Author, Retired US Navy, Retired Home Improvement


Mac McGovern was born in Dubuque, Iowa and lived there most of his youth. Most of his adult life he served in the US Navy as a Chief Hospital Corpsman, retiring in 1995. After retiring from the Navy, he was a Home Improvement Executive and Licensed Roofing Contractor. He retired from all business in 2009.

Mac is the author of eleven books of poetry and one book on Home Improvement Contracting and a memoir. He is an avid supporter of children learning poetry, not as a written or spoken form to be feared; rather as the educational tool, that teaches reading, writing, and the arts as no other single genre is capable.

In May 2011, he invented a new poetic form called "Interchanging Poetry," the purpose... to develop interchanging literary devices to enhance poetic discourse.

Today, Mac resides in Pensacola with the love of his life, his wife Sandra.

Mac McGovern Books

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